The courses I am interested in teaching include but not limited to ‘Introduction to Comparative Politics,’ ‘Democratization,’ ‘Conflict and Violence,’ ‘Political Psychology,’ ‘Turkish politics,’ ‘Understanding Civil War,’ ‘Terrorism: Causes and Consequences.’ Previously, I taught two upper-level courses in UBC, ‘Politics of the Middle East’ and  ‘ Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment,’ and an introductory methods course.

Besides these substantive topics, I enjoy teaching methods both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I was a teaching assistant in the Introductory Quantitative Methods course in UBC Political Science for five semesters, in Measurement and Data Analysis for Policy course for Master’s students in the Public Policy Program at UBC, and in two different ICPSR courses:  Regression Analysis II: Linear Models and Applied Multilevel Models. I have organized workshops on how to do focus groups and took courses on sociological methods. I can offer a course on mixed methods at any level. (See CV for a full list of the courses I taught).

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